Tudor Squares Annual Walk 2024.


Although square dancing is very enjoyable, the fun and friendship that comes with it is an added bonus.
Mac and I have been members of Tudor Squares since 2008, graduating in July 2010 and continuing to Mainstream, Plus and Advanced levels.
Along the way we have had lots of fun and have made some very good friends, some of whom we only see when dancing or joining a Tudor Squares event, but some we see socially as well.
Over the years we have had some wonderful outings, barbecues, picnics and walks.
See below for one such event:


On Saturday 25th May, 16 Tudor Squares members plus one dog arrived at Chipperfield Common and started walking as a single group, later splitting into 2 groups, one doing the longer walk – approximately 3 miles – led by Grant, and the other group splitting off to do a shorter walk of 1.5/2 miles with Ann.
We are so lucky to have such excellent walks leaders with a good knowledge of the local countryside, having led many Hertfordshire Health walks.  We graduated with Ann and Grant and always enjoy the Annual Walks they organize for Tudor Squares.
See the record that Grant has kept which shows that they have now led 14 lovely walks for us!
We were incredibly lucky with the weather and some of us on the longer walk were delighted to see lots of tadpoles in a pond when we stopped to admire the beautiful yellow flag irises – photographed by Nick.  (If you have good eyesight and zoom in on the bottom right corner of the photo you can just about make out the tadpoles!).

 We stopped briefly after that so that I could take a photo of the group doing the long walk.  Members on the shorter walk enjoyed a more leisurely walk, stopping to rest by a wooden horse mounting structure.
While there, a red insect landed on one of the group and a quick photo and use of an App revealed that it was a Cardinal Beetle.  At Apposals Pond they watched the pond life from a bench and chatted and watched the “world go by”. It was a lovely relaxed walk with plenty of stops.
We all arrived back at Chipperfield Common soon after 12noon, ready for our picnic – and a visit to the toilets at the café!  Thank you to Terry for his photo of those of us who stayed on for the picnic under the trees for shade and with a good view of the cricket.

Record of Walks
Year   Place   Walkers.   Total members at Picnic
2010 Ashridge 35
2011 Ashridge 32
2012 Little Gaddesden 22
2013 Sarratt 33
2014 Chipperfield 33
2015 Wigginton 35
2016 Little Hay 36
2017 Potten End 35
2018 Redbourn 28
2019 Little Gaddesden 27 31
2020 (NO WALK – COVID-19)
2021 Chipperfield 30 21
2022 Chipperfield 14 20
2023 Gadebridge Park 16 23
2024 Chipperfield 16 12
The walks from 2010 until 2019 were followed by a meal, in a pub or café.  From 2021 onwards the walk was followed by a picnic which other members or ex-members were welcome to join.
The Committee is hoping to organize more social events again.   We used to have a coach outing once a year but the cost of hiring a coach is pretty prohibitive these days.  If you have any suggestions to make  please contact Paul Godley or any other member of the Committee.
Linda Tomkinson