Please find attached the minutes from February’s Tudor Squares AGM.
TUDOR SQUARES AGM February 6th 2025
Those Present:
Committee – Paul Godley Chairperson,
Paul ‘Mac’ Mackness – ViceChairperson,
Linda Tomkinson – PRO,
Tracy & Colin Hawkins – Treasurers,
Terry Thirlwell – Webmaster (Zoom),
Debbie Peel – Callers’ Rep.,
Lynn Bedford – Secretary (Zoom),
Nick Bedford – A-Section Rep (Zoom).
Non-Committee – John Griffen, Pat Griffen, Les Evans, Pamela Larkin,
Carol Hinken, Patrick Dunphy, Veronica Dyckhoff, Liz Eastham, Janet
Godley, Neville Dyckhoff, Stella Greenwood, David Greenwood,
Elena Hadaway, Rita Elliott, Karen Galley, Ann O’Malley, Giovanna Stevenson,
Gunthilde Pathan, David Eastham, Bekka Peel (Zoom), Susie & Simon Kelly
Janet & David Hewitt (Zoom), Jenny & Terry Thirlwell (Zoom) and
Cathy Walwyn (Zoom).
Apologies were received from Linda & Chris Gill, Ann & Grant.
Paul welcomed all attendees to the meeting and apologised for the lack of an
agenda. The outline agenda will be: Treasurers’ Report, A-Section Report,
Mainstream and Plus Report and finally Any Other Business. Paul read out
an email from Ann in which she explained that Grant had been unwell and
had not yet fully recovered. Ann also thanked Paul and the rest of the
Tudor Squares Committee for all their hard work in keeping the club
running and thriving.
Colin gave an outline of the club’s finances for the preceding year, specifying
that the figures were for the year ending on 31st December 2024. The club
ended the year with more money in the bank than at the end of the previous
year. In 2024, the club had an operating surplus of over £448 compared to a
deficit of £487 in the previous year. The club’s income increased in 2024,
accompanied by a drop in expenditure. Colin then went through the figures
in some detail which are reproduced at the end of this document. Tracy filled
in more detail of how the club made a surplus over the year, citing increased
attendance, the gaining of three new members and a significant reduction in
hall fees for Mainstream and Plus. Full details are available in the Treasurers’
Report at the end of this document.
Tracy explained in more detail the reasons for the increase in bank charges.
This was because of the removal of a ‘Treasurer’s Account’ (no fees for non-
profit organisations with an income of less than £10,000 per annum) and its
replacement with a ‘Community Account’ which incurs a fee of £51 per
annum. There is no way of avoiding this fee as we are not a charity and
Lloyds, our current bank, appears to be the least expensive. Given the
current state of the accounts, the treasurers concluded that there would be
no need to increase either the dancers’ fees or annual subscriptions this
Colin concluded by saying that the Christmas Charity Donations (totalling
£201) had been handed over to the fundraisers at Rennie Grove who were
very pleased. A certificate detailing the donation will be sought and handed
over to Terry for inclusion in the club web pages.
Nick gave an outline of the A-Section report previously submitted to the
committee and reproduced below:
The Past Twelve Months
The section met on roughly thirty Friday evenings during 2024. We danced mainly to Trudy and
Simon Fielding, with Kevin Lovell filling in the gaps whenever he was able. The attendance has varied
between eleven and twenty-nine dancers with an average of just under nineteen. This has allowed
the section to make a small surplus over the year (around £360) in spite of increased caller and hall
fees, which is good news. The section now dances at A2 level for the vast majority of the time, but
with some A1 tips for the benefit of a number of members making a welcome return to the meetings
following illness.
Looking Ahead to 2025
As things stand, the section is scheduled to meet on thirty-one occasions during 2025. In an attempt
to fill in some of the gaps, and to provide more opportunity for practice, I have investigated the
possibility of dancing to recordings. Some potentially suitable A1 and A2 material has been made
available through the British Association. I have also collected quite a few recordings through the
generosity of other clubs around the country. While I have the necessary hardware to run sessions
using recorded music and calling, it remains to be seen if I have the necessary skill. With the
assistance of some willing ‘volunteers’ from the section, I hope to run a trial session before too long.
Responding to requests by a number of A-Section members, I am going to suggest that we
reintroduce the Square Rotation program at our Friday Evening sessions. The section had been using
the program before the Covid-19 pandemic, but we came across some issues when alternating
between A1 and A2 tips. However, the program has undergone a number of revisions and
improvements over the past few years. These improvements, in addition to the current
predominance of A2 tips, should give a much better dancer experience. I will canvas the opinions of
the A-Section members in due course and, subject to sufficient support, set up the means to give the
software another try.
As was the case last year, Paul Godley has arranged an A1/A2 dance with Terry Chapman calling.
This will be held at the Warners End Community Centre on Saturday March 1st. If this year’s dance
turns out to be anything like last year’s dance, it will certainly be something to look forward to.
Nick Bedford – 04/02/2025.
Linda thanked Nick for his hard work to keep the A-Section running and Paul
echoed the sentiment. Nick thanked them for their comments, adding that
most dancers had been more diligent on filling in the attendance sheet and
the few who weren’t as consistent were still being chased.
Page 3 of 9TUDOR SQUARES AGM February 6th 2025
Plus and Mainstream:
Paul said that the main change to the sections had been the ability to dance
in the committee room when there were fewer dancers present, thus saving
£25 per night. There was some confusion for a while about the
hourly/evening rate for the hall on the Plus evenings. However, with the
change of booking from 19:15 to 21:45 (previously 20:00 to 22:00) it now costs
£25 per evening plus £40 for the caller. The cost of the hall for Mainstream
is at least £20 per night. Paul has negotiated a sliding scale of payment to
the hall, which means a loss if there are fewer than twelve dancers. However,
if there are fourteen dancers or more, we make a £5 profit with the hall fee
increasing by £5 per dancer thereafter. Paul added that the club has
sufficient funds to cope with any small losses due to low numbers. He also
said that the issue was more about the dancers enjoying themselves than the
club making a profit.
With regard to attendance, the average Plus figure since August has been 9.8
dancers per evening and 11.5 for Mainstream. Paul said that while these
figures are manageable, it’s still tight and he encouraged everyone to respond
to the WhatsApp poll. If the numbers who responded were insufficient, the
meetings would have to be cancelled. Paul had no desire to bully people on
that point as he felt that there had been enough of that in the past. The
message is simple enough, please respond if you’re coming to a meeting or it
risks the meeting being cancelled.
Paul stated that it had been quite a difficult time since he took over as
Some significant changes had been made, such as introducing
the WhatsApp poll, which were thought to be in the best interests of the
Mainstream and Plus sections. Judging from the feedback and the numbers
attending the dances, Paul believes it’s been worth it and that the club is now
in a happier place than it was before. Several dancers have returned after
long absences, which is lovely. The fees paid to the callers have been
increased (now £40 per night), but Paul said that this was really only a token
that barely covers their costs for transport and equipment.
Club membership has increased by two to sixty-five from last year to this.
Fifty-five members have paid their membership fees thus far. Paul has had
enquiries from three ladies asking about joining the club and hopes to
arrange for them all to come to a taster session on the same evening.
Paul thanked Rita for all that she does to help with the Mainstream
sessions, such as looking after the attendance, taking the fees and banking
the takings. He also thanked David (Eastham) for looking after the
WhatsApp poll for the Plus section. Paul would have liked to thank
someone for doing the same task at Mainstream, but no one has yet come
forward. For the time being, Debbie is looking after that job. Paul thanked
all of the callers (Debbie, Bekka, Trudy, Simon and Kevin) for keeping us
entertained and challenged throughout the year. He also thanked Lynn &
Nick for looking after the A-Section and Secretarial work and Linda for
raising the profile of the club. Several articles have gone out recently and
the posters Linda produced have had an effect. Sadly, one of the new
dancers did not stay long with the club and took a more experienced dancer
with them when they left. Paul thanked Terry for all that he does on the
club website as well as Ann and Grant for leading the walks. Paul’s final
thanks went to Janet, without which he said he “… wouldn’t have been able
to do anything, really.” It was hoped that this year’s club walk would be
starting from Chipperfield on May 10th in the hope of seeing the bluebells.
However, the only response Paul has had so far was from dancers who will
be unable to take part on that date due to Kevin’s Nordic Square Dance
Cruise. Something different will need to be arranged if we are to avoid a
In terms of the committee, Paul said that all the members had agreed to
serve for another year on condition that Paul remained as chairperson. Paul
was initially prepared to remain as chairperson in name only, as he and
Janet have overriding commitments, primarily moving house. However,
Paul has now realised that he is no longer able to meet all of these
commitments, so he will remain nominally as chairperson until March 31st
or until someone else takes over the post.
There were few questions from the floor under AoB. They are not noted here
as they were largely inaudible on the Zoom recording.
Finally, Mac expressed his thanks to Paul on behalf of everyone for his
efforts as chairperson, a sentiment echoed by the other committee members,
the floor in general and those taking part via Zoom.
There being no other business, Paul declared the meeting closed so that the
dancing could resume for the final half hour of the evening.
Post Meeting Note:
Following the meeting, David Eastham agreed to take over as chairperson
with immediate effect on condition that Mac remained as vice chairperson.
Minutes by Lynn & Nick Bedford, 17/02/2025.
Tudor Squares – Treasurers Report covering the 2024 financial Year
(01 January to 31 December 2024)
Headline Figures Previous Year
1. Total funds for the Club: £5333 £4884
2. Total Income: £8173 £7627
3. Total Expenditure: £7724 £8114
Income less Expenditure:
£390 £487
4. Income
Fees: £7385 £7184
Subs: £320 £305
Raffle £102 £138
5. Expenditure
Hall Reg: £2746 £3511
Caller Reg: £3885 £3300
Hall Special: £224 £327
Marketing & Insurance £75 £78
Caller/Refresh Special £338 £658
Misc £403 £210
6. Income and expenditure surplus or deficit figures per section (excluding Club) are below:
Mainstream £12 £613
Plus: £59 £20
A-Group: £359 £4.50
There were higher costs in 2024. Caller fees were increased to £40 per session in the last quarter of
the year. Gadebridge hall raised their weekly hire fees.
However, the Club still managed to increase total funds in 2024 by £488. The key
reasons for this increase are:
• Dance attendances continued to increase with 40 additional dancers in 2024.
• The A dance in July made a surplus.
• The Club gained three additional members raising a further £15.
• Mainstream and Plus sections enjoyed reduced hall costs thanks to Paul’s efforts. This was
especially beneficial to Plus, enabling them to continue without incurring a large deficit.
• Section leaders continued to be vigilant in cancelling dance sessions where predicted
attendance was low, which resulted in fewer sessions running at a loss.
• In 2023 all three sections incurred a deficit totalling £638. In 2024 only two sections incurred
a deficit, but the surplus from A resulted in an overall surplus totalling £288.
The Future
We already know there will be greater demands on expenditure in 2025 due to:-
• Increased hall hire charges at Highfield from 1 Jan.
• Bank charges are being introduced from 1 Jan (£51.00 per annum)
• Gadebridge hall hire charges may also increase in April.
Despite the higher demand on expenditure in 2025, we do not anticipate the need to increase
annual subscriptions or the weekly dance attendance fees at this stage.
Tracy Hawkins
Colin Hawkins
Totals By Section Financial Year From 01/01/2024 To 31/12/2024
Full Year Accounts as at 31 December 2024
Total this
Section Club Beginners Mainstream Plus A Group C Group Year Last Year Difference
£564.00 £0.00 £2,645.00 £1,440.00 £2,735.50 £0.00 £7,384.50 £7,184.00 £200.50
£320.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £320.00 £305.00 £15.00
£102.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £102.00 £138.00 -£36.00
£0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
£356.20 £0.00 £0.00 £10.00 £0.00 £0.00 £366.20 £366.20
Total £1,342.20 £0.00 £2,645.00 £1,450.00 £2,735.50 £0.00 £8,172.70 £7,627.00 £545.70
Total this
Section Club Beginners Mainstream Plus A Group C Group Year Last Year Difference
Hall Reg
Caller reg
Refresh. Regular
Special Caller Refres.
£65.00 £0.00 £1,110.00 £359.00 £1,212.00 £0.00 £2,746.00 £3,511.00 -£765.00
£95.00 £0.00 £1,510.00 £1,150.00 £1,130.00 £0.00 £3,885.00 £3,300.00 £585.00
£0.00 £0.00 £33.00 £0.00 £20.76 £0.00 £53.76 £53.76
£60.72 £0.00 £4.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £64.72 £77.97 -£13.25
£10.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £10.00 £10.00
£224.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £224.00 £327.00 -£103.00
£338.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £338.00 £658.00 -£320.00
£0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
£388.50 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £14.20 £0.00 £402.70 £209.83 £192.87
Total £1,181.22 £0.00 £2,657.00 £1,509.00 £2,376.96 £0.00 £7,724.18 £8,083.80 -£359.62
Section Club Beginners Mainstream Plus A Group C Group Year Last Year Difference
Net £160.98 £0.00 -£12.00 -£59.00 £358.54 £0.00 Total this
-£456.80 £448.52 £905.32